How do you hear God? How do you know beyond knowing that what you are hearing and doing is directly from the throne?The throne of the One you want to please more than anyone else. I have struggled my whole life as a people pleaser. And teachers loved me. My parents didn’t have to punish me very often. I allowed boundaries to …
The Kingdom is Within You: Part 2 of my treasure hunt
I was on a hunt. A treasure hunt of the eternal kind. In my studies Monday morning, (See October 1st post) a verse in another book of the Bible had led me to this haunting passage in John. Jesus stood before Pilate who seemingly held the power to condemn or release Him. When Pilate asked Him if He was a king. …
We Need to Know We aren’t Alone in our Pain
I really want to end this week on an upbeat note. My former posts this week have been deep, hard places. But I want you to know that grief no longer digs its claws in me or takes my breath away. The ache is still there, especially when the seasons change, but I’m okay. I’m more than okay. I know …
When I Stopped Praying
A few years ago I road a roller-coaster ride in prayer. Up to that point, though my prayers weren’t always answered just as petitioned, they were favorable enough often enough to feel like I was hand in hand with God. I usually like roller coasters. But this one was not fun. The thrill of the ups and downs and upside downs …
What Helps You Trust God?
Worry is the facade of taking action when prayer really is. ~ Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts Photo by Kim M. Andrist I don’t consider myself a worrier. But I know that term is relative. There is a long and wide spectrum to that cumbersome thing called worry. In fact, as I type, I realize how I’ve prided myself on …