Nonfiction Editor

You have a story to tell. It’s your story, and you know it would help others who need to know they aren’t alone. They need to experience the redemption and hope you’ve found, so you need to write your book, article, or contest piece, but you know you need help making it the best it can be.

Maybe you’ve written your story, or another book, or Bible study God placed on your heart, but you need another set of eyes to make it shine. It’s been a long time since your high school or college English class, and your punctuation and grammar are a little rusty. You need help writing tighter, error free sentences.

Writing is a team effort. No traditionally published book is done so without going through several edits. The same should be true for a self-published book. Whether you plan on publishing on your own, or trying the world of traditional publishing, I’d love to help you.

Nonfiction only

I edit all categories of nonfiction: narrative, memoir, Bible study, self-help, articles, and contest entries.

If you have a novel, I’ll be glad to give you the names of a couple of editors who specialize in your genre. I could help with the copy-edits, but I would not be able to give you a full picture edit of characterization, plot, and dialogue.



As a former educator and published author, I bring the knowledge of both academia and the publishing industry to manuscripts. I’ve gleaned from great editors who’ve taught me how to craft sentences with clarity and relatability.

Education: Bachelor of English/ Secondary Ed (Oklahoma State University)


  • Public and Private School teacher: 6th-12th grades.
  • Author: 3 traditionally published books.
  • Blogger: Over 1000 blog posts.
  • Freelance writer:,,
  • Freelance editor 2 years.

What I charge

My rate is currently $40 per hour.

Let’s Work Together!

Fill the form below to set up a 15 minute Zoom conference to decide if I’m a good fit for your project. Please allow two weeks for a response.


“Andy’s critique and editing of Eye on the Blaze were invaluable.  In addition to grammatical improvements, she helped me “stay in my hiker’s voice” and encouraged me to share more personal examples, both of which strengthened the quality of my writing.” -Terry Bowman, North Carolina

“Since I met Andy, I’ve admired her ability to teach the word through her books and podcasts.
She has perfected writing with a conversational voice, and therefore, her message is easily
understood. Andy has been a blessing and great help in my publishing pursuits. Recently, she
helped me edit two devotionals. Whether it be simple grammar, writing with readers in mind,
deleting unnecessary sentences, or just making it sound better, she’s an experienced teacher
with a wellspring of knowledge. Andy is able to teach you to grab the attention of your readers.
Simply put: Andy can pick up things that you would miss while trying to put out your best work.
She just does it better. I would recommend her highly for any editing project you have put your
heart into.” – Gina Castell, New York