Have you ever done something because you believed you should? There were no grandiose emotions erupting from your soul– just a small little voice nudging you forward. Sometimes when I write my post, I feel the words coming out of me. I’m a feel-er. I could easily be an emotionaholic . Following my emotions is easy because that is what …
More than a Temporary "Fix"
On the day of Jesus’ death there were no angels in sight. There were no signs given by heavenly beings matching Gabriel’s words to Mary; there was only the nauseating, faith-snatching scene of the Son of God nailed upon a cross. It was a day like no other, and Mary of Nazareth probably thought that it would never end. We are …
Faith in His Perspective
The other day Mike and I were talking of how life gets harder as we get older because more and more people around us get sick, suffer loss, and face hardship. Of course, this is our view here on this earth. Our limited perception. Twenty-one years ago, at the beginning of our marriage, I fervently prayed for both of us to have eternal …
Choosing Faith
Praise the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God, you are great; you are clothed with splendor and majesty. He wraps Himself in light as with a garment; He stretches out the heaven like a tent and lays the beams of His upper chambers on the waters. He makes the clouds His chariot and rides on the wings …
His "With Us"
Some have limited God’s presence to heaven. Consequently they think that when they get to heaven they will be closer to Him. Considering His omnipresence, however, that concept cannot possibly be correct. We can never be nearer or further from God’s presence. We can never leave His presence nor enter into it. That particular dimension of God’s presence is always …