Faith is not a four letter word. But sometimes I feel like it is. The fever blisters on my hand (rather than my lips like most people) are the personification of the stress I placed on myself last month. Stress I didn’t really need to have because God had the situation under control. I confess, now that I can see …
New Motto
As many of you know, I attended a writers conference last week. I apologize for the missing blog posts. I was a little busy and stressed before the conference as well as during it. I learned how to improve my craft, and three publishers want to see my proposals which is very exciting. But one sentence stuck out from the plethora of …
The R Word
We’re scared of it.We’re hurt by it; therefore many times we don’t put ourselves out there because we’re afraid of the pain of rejection. (The R word.) Nobody likes pain. We live in a relatively painless society in America. If it’s hot, we turn on the AC. If it’s cold, we turn up the heat and choose a sweater to …
How Does He do that?
Do not fear what this day, or any day, may bring your way. Concentrate on trusting Me and on doing what needs to be done. Relax in My sovereignty, remembering that I go before you as well as with you, into each new day. Fear no evil, for I can bring good out of every situation you will ever encounter. …
I wish I was Jewish. I think the Jewish people have a wisdom about them unlike any people on earth. Another favorite book of mine is written by a Jewish Rabbi. The book is called Yearnings:Embracing the Sacred Messiness of Life. The author is Rabbi Irwin Kula. With sage-like wisdom Rabbi Kula does what rabbis (rabbinam) do best. He places …