I apologize for the lack of posts this week. This summer has taken off, and I’m running to catch up. So, I’m thankful for this one morning of quiet to write some thoughts. The past two days I attended freshmen orientation with Stephen (my middle child) at NC State in Raleigh. The very beginning of our trip should’ve clued us …
I Celebrate Her Life
I am not one for anniversaries. I will celebrate the happy ones (though I don’t do that very well), but I definitely do not remember or celebrate dates that are sad. Something in my brain just won’t let me keep those dates stored. But something in me feels the need to remember my sister today. The memory is not in …
A Hershey Bar Every Day
It has been a strange. I’ve been alone in my house without any of my family. Lauren is in Mexico getting her first taste of missionary life, and the boys and Mike are in California visiting family. It has taken awhile to declutter my heart and listen. I have not dressed in camel hair and eaten wild locust. I haven’t even fasted. …
Florence Nightingale
Dear Lord, I praise you. I love you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Use me Lord for Your kingdom. Please draw me into Your heart–draw me into Your third heaven. Draw me into Your eyes. Your beautiful eyes. Give me eyes to seeThe hope in the hurting. The found in the lost. The good in the bad. I want …
I’m Running a Marathon!
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses… (Hebrews 12:1a) Who is in your great cloud of witnesses? Abraham? Moses? Peter? John? Mary of Nazareth? Mary Magdalene? A loved one? A friend? Along with an Army of God, (read yesterday’s blog) we have cheerleaders cheering us on. A great cloud of witnesses. But the writer of Hebrews …