You may not be able to feel Him. The silence may be deafening. But He’s with you. If you missed the sunrise this morning, and your empty is emptier than its been in a long time, set your alarm when you go to bed tonight to wake you early. Make plans to watch the sun dance its way up the …
Freedom is not Free: Thoughts on the Redefining of Marriage
I’m thinking with both hands today. That may seem obvious, I always type with both hands thankful that my right fingers can click the keys just as my more competent left hand– though not as fast. “Thinking with both hands” is a concept I recently read in Lois Tverberg’s book Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus. Tverberg explains that Jewish thought …
Bite of Bread: God’s Right Hand and a plea for prayer
It’s a right handed world, and I’m left handed. Desks at school held the writing arm on the right though sometimes one desk would have it on the left. There was never enough of those. And I hated pencil sharpeners at school because I had to use my right hand to rotate the sharpener. I could never go as fast …
How I Find Purpose Series: Part 2
Last week we started talking about finding our purpose, and I gave you the first step to that process–at least for me. That step was to worship God. Psalm 37:3,4 became my life verses during a time of searching, loneliness, and restlessness. What does it mean to trust? According to Webster, trust is: Confidence in… the honesty the integrity the …
The God of Singing: He Will Quiet You with His Love
Do you hear it? Find a quiet place. I know that can be difficult, but it’s not impossible. Get alone with yourself and God and listen. He is singing. “The Lord God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you with his love; he will exult over …