Who is not ready to turn the page and start with a fresh new year?
As the calendar rolls over to 2022, most of us find ourselves hopeful, rubbing our hands together. We’re choosing our “words” or making resolutions and goals even if we hate resolutions. We can’t help it. It’s a new year! Anticipation is in the air. There’s nothing like a blank slate.
I’m right there with you. I’m so excited for 2022. I find myself constantly writing down ideas and trying to get my life in order with goals and steps (which I’m terrible at.) I’ll share with you some of my goals:
- Lose weight and get in shape (LOL, always!)
- Write another book or two.
- Reach more women for Jesus through speaking.
- Help other writers write their story.
- Make some money.
I feel like I wasn’t supposed to write that last part about money, but who doesn’t need a little income? (Just being REAL here.)
I would LOVE to hear your goals and resolutions too. We can be praying for each other. (Leave a comment at the end of the post.)
Uncertainty in 2022
With the hope of a better year, however, comes the reality of uncertainty. I’m not talking about the economy or politics, I’m just talking about life. I can’t predict the future nor will I EVER try, but after five decades of living I can promise this: In 2022 there will be good days and bad, joy and heartache, and surprises and disappointments. So, since life is so unpredictable, I wanted to give you something you could rely on– 31 promises of God.

Certainty Promised
I often use the internet to help me gather the lists of scriptures for each reading plan, but this one is different. So, if these aren’t your normal list of promises, know they are Holy Spirit led. As He led me to each one I found myself realizing that the entire Bible is one big Promise from God. Every scripture holds a promise, every story, every book of the Bible. The certainty of the faithfulness and goodness of God is a promise we can take with us through 2022 no matter what we face.
We must be prepared for the good and the bad and nothing can prepare us like His Word. Here’s a few of the promises included in this month’s reading:
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
When the boat starts rocking, and the waves pour in, remember God’s heart. This promise was given to Israel, but it’s His nature. “Prosper” was translated from the Hebrew word “Shalom.” The definitions of this word include: “completeness, soundness, welfare, and peace” (Blueletterbible)
- Completeness- God wants to fill in the holes. He makes us complete.
- Soundness- “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV
- Welfare- Doing well in life. (Prosperous)
- Peace- Peace with Him and peace within ourselves.
Let’s try that again. “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord, “plans to make you complete, give you a sound mind, help you live well, and give you peace, not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” God’s heart desires good things for us even when we experience difficulties and disappointments.
Trusting the Lord in 2022
A friend called the other day desperately disappointed and discouraged. Though growing in her faith and getting better about this, almost every time something does not go well, she is convinced God is angry with her and caused the issue. The problem with this belief is when you live your life with this precept, it destroys your peace. You cannot trust God to work it out. The enemy loves it when we think that way. His goal is to cause us to doubt God’s love and goodness.
But when life throws me punches, big or small, it always helps me to ask the Lord how He’s going to work it out for good. I live by this verse, another of the promises in our reading plan:
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28
The Redeemer loves you. He sees what we cannot see and knows what we could never know. When a flat tire causes you to be late, perhaps that flat tire kept you from an accident. When you don’t get the job you so desperately want, God has a better job for you. I’ve experienced a few heartaches in my life I have not been able to find good in, but I found peace when I trusted His goodness and Romans 8:28 even when I couldn’t understand. I had to trust.
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1
Faith is really trusting.
Scriptures and Prompts
Here’s a little peek into the scriptures and prompts in the 12 page promise journal printable. You can use this or print the image above with only the list of verses. The prompts help you linger a little longer and go a little deeper with the Lord during your quiet time.
Day 2: Jeremiah 29:12
Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
- When God listens, He acts upon those prayers. Write down an answered prayer from last year and a prayer you need answered now. Remember, we have to come to Him.
Day 3: Jeremiah 29:13
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
- This is one of my favorite promises. God does not play hide-n-seek. God wants us to find Him and know Him. To seek God means to worship Him. Write a prayer of praise and worship and intentionally listen to worship music all day long if your day allows.
Day 4: Psalm 37: 3-4
Trust in the Lord and do good;
dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.
Take delight in the Lord,
and he will give you the desires of your heart.
- Did you know it’s not bad to desire something? I didn’t realize I struggled with this until this year. I wrestled with it until God reminded me of this promise. It is okay to want something, but these verses list what we need to do. Trusting God, doing good, living right where we are (not in the past or future) and delighting in the Lord are the keys to the blessing. Which is hardest for you? Write a prayer.
Download the Promise Plan and Journal
The Best Year Yet
The end of the year finds me reflecting on the year behind me and anticipating the new ahead. And as I do, I’m reminded that we can write down amazing goals and even reach them, lose twenty pounds and learn to eat veggies, but the best year yet is the year we grow deeper in our faith and our knowledge of God, His Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
The best year yet is the year when the Word becomes alive in us, when we experience the power of His Word. I am proof that the life inside The Word can change yours. It can help you in your singleness or make you a better spouse. It can also help you be a more patient mom. I know because that’s what studying the Bible has done for me.
It is my goal to help you discover the abundant life Jesus promised with every article, Bible reading plan, Instagram post, YouTube video, and Pinterest Pin. Please let me know how I can be praying for you. Share your goals and word for the year in the comments below! This will be the best year yet as we start it off with the promises of God!
Living Abundantly in 2022!
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