Christmas, darkness, faith, hope, lights, night, sharing faith

Thankful for the Darkness (2011 post 2nd edition)

There is something magical about Christmas lights. Ordinary homes transform into gumdrop houses. The outline of barren trees form graceful shapes against the darkness, and inside my home the lights from our tree cast a warm glow. I love to sit in their grace listening to the quiet and counting my blessings. But it struck me the other night that …

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darkness, depression, hope, light, mental illness, spiritual warfare

What we have in common with Mary Magdalene

The Hills of Galilee where Mary Magdalene battled her demons. Mary M. battled seven demons. We don’t know how these demons manifested themselves, but it is almost certain they caused mental turmoil and drove Magdalene to lonely places of depression and darkness. Some of us can relate to such places even as Christians because the battle is great, and it …

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Christmas lights, darkness

Thankful for the Darkness

There is something magical about Christmas lights. Ordinary homes transform into gumdrop houses. The outline of barren trees form graceful shapes against the darkness, and inside my home the lights from our tree cast a warm glow. I love to sit in their grace listening to the quiet and counting my blessings. But it struck me the other night that without the darkness, …

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