Two weeks is a long time when you’re waiting for life-changing news. I was advised not to tell my soldier-husband, deployed to fight a war called Desert Storm, that something could be terribly wrong with the baby inside my womb. Distractions could risk his life. So, I wrote this frightening story in my journal for him to read later. I remember trying to have faith that the baby would be fine–that the painful amniocentesis would prove her chromosomes in order.
I had friends. I had family, but I felt alone, and I was scared. I’d never known anxiety like this. My imagination ran rampant.
My peace didn’t come until just days before the results. As I drove my car to work, I heard myself saying:
“Lord, this baby is going to be a blessing no matter what.”
The moment the words left my lips peace literally filled my car. Tangible peace. Thick.
I didn’t know what the results would be, but I knew God was with me. That moment of surrender-trust and thanksgiving freed me to receive His unfathomable peace.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Phil. 4:6-7
A few days later I held a piece of paper with the images of the chromosomes of my healthy baby girl—a baby girl who is now my 22 year old beautiful Lauren, a second grade teacher and amazing artist who painted the little boy above.
But I believe I would’ve experienced the same tangible peace in the car that day even if the test proved different results.
The Apostle Paul commands the Philippians not to worry.
“Do not be anxious about anything.” Anything.
Paul writes about the unfathomable peace of God guarding our hearts and minds. The word peace has been translated from the Greek word Eirene. This is what it means:
-peace, tranquility, repose, calm, harmony, accord, well-being prosperity. It denotes a state of untroubled, undisturbed well being…such a state of peace is brought about by God’s mercy, granting deliverance and freedom from all the distresses that are experienced as a result of sin…this peace can only be the result of reconciliation with God.” (Key-Word, 1615).
The day peace flooded my car, I was reconciled to God’s plan–whatever that plan entailed. I truly believe I only reached that place because I so desperately wanted to trust Him. I was more desperate for the peace than a healthy baby. It wasn’t great faith that prompted thick eirene, it was God. His mercy. His presence.
Are you anxious about anything? Doctor’s results, sick friends or family members, paying the rent, ___________________(you fill in the blank.)
Have you experienced His peace?
I wish I could tell you that I walk around in a cloud of peace all day long, but surrendering to trust–
[tweetability]Trusting that God is good and has good plans even when they don’t look like mine is a daily offering.[/tweetability] (click to tweet)
Can I pray for us?
“Loving God, we desperately need you. So many of us are filled with worry and anxious thoughts. We need your unfathomable eirene. I pray that we might be more desperate for your peace than perfect answers. Help us come to you with thanksgiving for your good answers whatever they might be. We love you. Amen.”
Key-Word Study Bible Give-Away!
The Key-Word Study Bible is my favorite study Bible and resource to dig into the ancient language behind our English translation. Whenever I study this way, the Bible comes to life. It literally breathes. I love to give these Bibles away. To enter the give-away:
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What a beautiful message, Andy. I had no idea you went through that during your pregnancy … a bold witness to and example for the rest of us, as well as a blog post that offers great inspiration.
Congrats to the winner of the Key-Word Study Bible. i love mine!
Thank you Kim! I’m so glad you are enjoying your Key-Word. Miss you!
I don’t think I’m Kim you are speaking of… I don’t have a keyword I’m Kim Michele… Today is April 28, 2016 and I am trying to change my prayer life with the help of Andy Lee. She is helping me a disabled woman with a prayer strategy in all areas of my life.
I have both of Andy’s books as a disabled woman I’m a bit slow right now however I lived through a “Mary Like Me” in The beginning’s in Beverly Massachusetts. Andy is a Spirit filled woman … With more grace and mercy and anyone I’ve ever met. I watched from some years here in mass. Her raising her family when they were young . Andy baptized me into thousand and five and I’ve been struggling to learn to love Jesus more it’s a long journey and I’m loving it today . It’s all about a day at a time and my attitude with my illness I have to work hard. It’s all about a day at a time and my attitude with my illness I have to work hard. I could never thank Our Lord Enough for all my friend Andy has done in my life . You go girl ! Our Lord knows who needs this study keyword, thank you for your gracious gift to all of us every day Andy . Love Kim Michele Andrist
Hi Kim, I’ve got you entered. :) Many blessings to you my dear friend!
Thank you for the opportunity to see the Floracion of the book “A Mary Like Me”….I was there in Massachusetts as a disabled woman a part of the blog, back then, now it has come to publication it’s so thrilling. I’m a bit slow as it disabled woman. I’m trying to work my way through the first book published “Ruth” The key word study of the book of Ruth by Andy Lee .
Thank you Andy for holding me up when I can’t stand any longer, along with Jesus, who you represent so many times in my life throughout our relationship. Your grace and mercy with the help of Jesus I’m still holding on and feel so blessed . I hope everyone reason guys both books
I hope everyone reads and purchases both books… I know we will learn so much, thank you Andy for working with the Holy Spirit to provide for me and those that follow you. Amen
Thank you, Kim. Yes, you’ve been apart of this long journey. Thank you for believing and all your prayers.
Trusting His plan isn’t always easy. Especially when His plan isn’t what we hoped. Trusting Him and gaining peace is worth it. His plan is perfect, and we will be included in on the details in His time. What a wonderful lesson.
Thanks Amy! So glad you came for a visit and commented. :) You are entered for the give-away!
Oh, you have no idea how timely this post is! Thank you so much for your powerful words of wisdom!
God is so good my friend. Yay! I’ll be praying. And I’ll enter your sweet name into the give-away.
This particular day, I read this and remember. God loves us so much. I had been thinking about a particular problem. Then I remembered that God said, Wait on me. I heard the words whispered weeks ago, but I started trying to again find the way to solve the problem. Then I remembered. God said Wait!
As you pointed out, some days it is hard to wait. But I have given my problem back to God and I am WAITING. Did he say I needed to wait Patiently? Hope not…
Oh Anna how I can RELATE! I will pray for you to know how very much God loves you and how much better His plans and timing are. When you are secure in His love and goodness you can trust. That trust will give you peace and with peace comes patience. Thanks for sharing! You are entered in the give-away! :)
That had to be a painful, difficult time for you on several levels. I am glad you had God’s peace to console you and help you through it. I have been a Christian for many years and love to seek and delve, but honestly have not turned this interest into the direction of God’s Word and would love to be entered into the drawing. Also, I am sending a child off to college in the fall, my heart and mind are consumed with anxiousness these days. Thank you for the great Philippians 4:6-7 reminder and thank you for all of your insights and thoughts and Wonderful Word Wednesday!
Rhonda! I’m so excited that you want to start digging into the Bible! You are entered into the drawing. Also, I’ll be praying that you’ll find peace as your baby goes to college. Pray! Pray! Pray! God is so faithful to answer our momma prayers.
Thanks for sharing that story Andy. I love your word choice – thick. I’ve felt this peace and it IS thick, but I’d never thought about it that way before:)
Can’t wait to hear your story Erika! Thanks for reading and commenting. You’re entered. :)
Dear Andy,
I love these thoughts on peace. Thank you. How wonderful that God blessed you with a beautiful, healthy Lauren. But as you said, she would have been a blessing no matter what. God’s ways are oh so much higher than ours! And btw, I’ll especially remember this post and the Greek word for peace, Eirene, because my name is Emily Irene. That just warms my heart and makes me smile today. :) Love you!
You exude your name my friend. :) Thanks for reading and commenting. You’ve been entered into the give-away. Love you too!
Thank you for sharing this! You have such a way with sharing your heart!! God’s peace has come through so many things in my life. I have found that in the past few years, I have become very anxious. I must pray and dig into His word. Trusting HIM that He will give me that peace that ONLY comes from HIM. My girls found peace this past Sunday…. they had been struggling with their salvation and they nailed it down!! Praise the Lord for His faithfulness to us….even when we are falling apart!
Piper! Thanks so much for sharing. Praise God for your daughters’ decisions. I’ll be praying for your continued peace. You’re entered into the drawing for the study Bible!
Thanks for the reminder! Only God can give supernatural peace–something we can’t work up in our minds or emotions. Love your key word blogs. It’s time for me to get a Key Word Bible!
Thanks Sandy! I’ll put your name in the drawing. I would love for you to have a Key-Word. :)
Oh, Andy, I remember these days so well! You are honoring God to share how He spoke to you. Yes, you WOULD’VE been just as peaceful had the results been different. And her artistry (Beautiful Boy) knocks my socks off. What talent! I love you both… And those guys you hang around with too!
My Jan, I couldn’t have gotten through those days without you. Thank you so much for holding me, crying with me, and praying. I know your prayers played a huge role. Thanks for reading my friend. I love you.