It’s been a rough few weeks. Many of us feel battered and bruised. The world seems upside down and uglier than ever before. And if our eyes stay focused on the pain and fear too long, we lose strength. We lose hope. Last week the Bite of Bread was all about renewing our minds. One way we do that …
Would You Like to Help Me Write a Book?
There are two prayers that have changed my life. I remember teaching one to a group of middle school girls. We sat in a circle on the carpeted floor in one of the Sunday school rooms of the church. I loved teaching them. As a young stay-at-home-mommy, this was my one time of the week to do what I loved …
Bite of Bread Bible Reading Plan: Renewing of our Minds
Nothing changes if nothing changes. Are you a “glass half full” person or is your glass always half empty? Does worry consume your thoughts? Jesus said, “The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but I have come that the may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10 Do you feel you have that “full” life Christ …
Purpose Beyond Today: A call to pray and fast for a hurting world
One of the greatest tactics of our spiritual enemy is to keep our prayers focused on our own needs, wants, and desperations. If he can keep our eyes on our own tiny battles, he will successfully weaken a portion of God’s Army. Rather than discovering our God given power in Jesus to fight for the Kingdom of God and all eternity, our …
Bite of Bread: The Promise of Calling on God (August 11-17)
Why is it so difficult to maintain closeness to God while on a family vacation? Ummm….well, maybe it’s the fact that you are with your loved ones All. The. Time. There is not much space for needed alone time with Jesus. Home never seemed sweeter than a few days ago. I love my family. So thankful for time …