Redemption, thankfulness, Word Wednesday

Giving Thanks for the Good and Bad Redeems Our World: Exagorazo

  Look carefully how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit addressing one another in psalms …

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depression, dreams, Uncategorized

Dreams Don’t Have to be BIG, but Everybody Needs One: How Dreams Defeated My Depression

    I sat on the sands in a tidal pool of self-pity. Somewhere between the altar saying, “I do,” and giving birth to children I’d lost myself in this dream called family. Two beautiful children ran along the beach that day while my big strong soldier husband trained to protect our country. My cup of blessings overflowed by anyone …

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prayer, Uncategorized, Word Wednesday

Word Wednesday: Does Prayer Really Work?

    [Photo by Lauren Lee. Sky by God.] Four years ago I was disenchanted with prayer. Discouraged. Confused. And angry. “Why do we pray?” I screamed into the heaven-lies. It was a time when God went silent in my life. His presence stealth. I would run outside into the sunset every evening because that was my only tangible promise …

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suffering, thanksgiving, the love of God, trials

Is the Heart of God on Trial in Your Life?

  When we face trials, our most common reaction is to ask God, “Why won’t you relieve us?” And when he doesn’t, we resignedly ask, “What do yo want me to do?” Now we have a new question, “Where is the Romance headed?” . . . .We are still in the drama of Act III and the heart of God …

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purpose, Word Wednesday

Word Wednesday: Is Your Glass Half Full? Live with Purpose Beyond You

    Are you a “glass half full person” or “glass half empty?” Neither view stands more correct than the other. They both hold reason and evidence to their point. Yet one perspective focuses on what is available and the other on what is lacking. Perspective is everything. Our perspective and understanding of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ …

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