If you knew the number of your days. If nothing seemed to be going your way. And pain and strife were your middle name What would you do differently today? If Elohiym had whispered to you That in a few days He would choose To bring you home rather than rescue you What would you do? …

Faith Friday: 3 Steps to Un-busy Your Life
Busy. It’s our middle name. Our culture. Our reality. …or is it? Are we really as busy as we think we are? My head is spinning and my heart is thumping as I think of the responsibilities I signed up to do for the next few months. I signed up. Nobody twisted my arm or bribed me with chocolate or …
How Do I Find My Purpose?: Trust God (Process to Purpose Series)
“Trust in the Lord….” (Psalm 37:3) “Where is your faith?” The words punched me in the stomach. I couldn’t breathe…I certainly could not answer. I looked into the eyes of my accuser with nothing to counter his accusation. I was faithless. Trust-less of God. My hope for my circumstances to change was fading. From my perspective all I could see …
Christmas in July:The present of His Presence
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5,6) My ears were burning. I got up from my knees after praying to hear His voice, and my ears were burning! I was so excited! I had just prayed in …
Hardened Hearts
I will never in a million years understand how our free-will and God’s sovereignty work together. It’s a great mystery. We are given free-will to make our own choices yet God is in control. A well known story in the Bible is a perfect example of my quandary: the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart. In case you aren’t familiar with it or need …