give thanksfaith, giving

It is Better to Give than Receive: 31 Scriptures on Giving

As I type this morning, a cool breeze dances through an open window, and a cerulean sky beckons me outdoors. Beautiful days like this fill my soul with peace and gratitude and make me excited for Thanksgiving which we will celebrate very soon. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. My heart holds wonderful memories of family gatherings, enough food …

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When You Need God

If you are going through a tough season and you really need God to pull you through, but you struggle to depend on Him, watch this video about depending on God. Hear verses of promise and hope and unpack the meaning of seeking first His Kingdom and righteousness. Please leave a comment of how I can be praying for you. …

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Praying God's NamesBite of Bread, Name of God, prayer, Uncategorized, Word Study

Using the Names of God and Jesus to Help You Pray with Power

I don’t think the world has ever collectively felt the need to pray as we do now. Perhaps in past war times, depressions, or other pandemics, but not in recent decades. So many need our prayers. Governing authorities from our local and state governments to our federal law makers need prayer. Our neighbors, friends, and coworker need our prayers. It’s …

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