Worshiping Jesus is something we need to do always, but this season, the time we celebrate Jesus’s birth, is often so filled with activities that our quiet time suffers. Ironic, isn’t it? But it doesn’t have to be this way. We just need to be intentional. So, I’ve intentionally written a reading plan that can help stir your heart for …
When Celebrating Thanksgiving is Hard
Empty Chairs . . . Some years Thanksgiving is harder to celebrate than other years. I love the turkey, giblet gravy, cranberry sauce, dressing, and green bean casserole. I embrace the cooler weather, gold and garnet leaves, and the almost naked trees, and I love gathering with family and friends–whoever can come. Yet, there have been many years when I’ve …
It is Better to Give than Receive: 31 Scriptures on Giving
As I type this morning, a cool breeze dances through an open window, and a cerulean sky beckons me outdoors. Beautiful days like this fill my soul with peace and gratitude and make me excited for Thanksgiving which we will celebrate very soon. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. My heart holds wonderful memories of family gatherings, enough food …
I Know Where to find Joy
Do you know people who just seem joyful all the time? Do you wish you had what they have or knew their secret? In reality, even those people probably have their days. I think we all do. We’re human, right? But as believers we really do have a source for joy and strength. We just need to know where to …
When You Need God
If you are going through a tough season and you really need God to pull you through, but you struggle to depend on Him, watch this video about depending on God. Hear verses of promise and hope and unpack the meaning of seeking first His Kingdom and righteousness. Please leave a comment of how I can be praying for you. …