Who is God? Why do we believe in Him? Why is He my God, your God? Why would we trust this God? We only trust the ones we know well. So, though it takes a lifetime of walking with God to really know Him, just like it takes years to cultivate relationships with friends and significant others, you got to …
How to Know When to Let Something Go
Sometimes it is difficult to know if you should let something go, like a job, or keep on doing it. It’s hard to discern if we are feeling God’s nudge, or our own emotions. A few years ago I worked as a care assistant for an elderly neighbor. It was the one paying job on my daily eclectic list of …
The Grit and Grace of Faith #WordWednesday
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 I can just see him. Joshua sits near the waters edge of the Jordan waiting for YHWH. The sound of the men and families in the camp a few …
Merry Christmas and an Announcement
From our family to yours: We pray this Christmas is sweeter in your heart, deeper in your spirit, and more meaningful than years past. Jesus is alive, and he came to save the world. He will come back again, not as a baby, but on a white horse, the symbol of victorious battle, to take us home. Hallelujah! …
Generations Will Call Her Blessed
I love Mary. Who doesn’t? She was the mother of Jesus, our Savior. The Son of God. She was humble and faith-filled. Her humility has caused me to wonder about this proclamation that generations would call her “blessed”. She just seemed too quiet and humble to want generations to talk about her. Though her prophecy was correct, we do call …