It wasn’t easy to be a prophet. It was a thankless job, one that often-got tomatoes (or worse) thrown at you. People didn’t want to hear about the need to repent and come back to God. They wanted to believe that everything was hunky-dory, even when they knew better. We’re not much different, are we? The prophet Jeremiah warned …
Bible Reading Plan on God’s Faithfulness #BiteofBread
In a world where worry consumes us and stress steals sleep, we need tangible proof that God’s holding us. A few weeks ago when bigger-than-me situations arose, I kept hearing a quiet voice whisper, “I’m faithful….I’m faithful.” Peace filled me as I chose to believe those words and the goodness of the heart that spoke them within my spirit. …
How to Fight Discouragement: Get Your Courage On!
Discouraged. It’s a powerful word. Do you know it? I know this word so well I can tell you how many freckles it wears. No, it isn’t a person, but I often stare Discouragement in the face. If fear doesn’t stop me from moving forward into the call, the enemy tries his second tactic, the “D” word. Honestly, most of the time …
Do You Talk to Yourself? You Should. #Word Wednesday
With wrinkled hands she covered her lips attempting to muffle her giggles. Her reaction to the angel of the Lord’s declaration that her weary body would give birth to a son was the same as her century old husband, Abraham. He laughed too when God made such a promise. The whole thought was preposterous. Impossible. But the Lord questioned Abraham, …
Scriptures to Help Us Worship #BiteofBread
David was one of God’s favorites. He wasn’t perfect. But God described him as a man after His own heart. Do I want to be called a woman after God’s own heart? Yes please. I’ll take two. Okay, one heart is all that is necessary, but how do I attain this– the characteristic that gave David this honor and favor with …