Chosen, Easter, Jesus, love of God, Mary Magdalene, names, Resurrection Sunday, Searching

Why Jesus Chose Mary Magdalene

  She was desperate. Sleep had evaded her. But the dark night sky gave way to a deep blue hue and the hope of a new day. She could go now. Though weary, Magdalene would be the first one to the tomb. She knew exactly where they had placed Him, and she had a job to do. She would prepare …

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fruits of the spirit, Video

How We Get the Fruits of the Spirit

  Oh my gosh. When my kids were young, and I was home with them All. The. Time. And we had days that were good and days that were BAD, and even minutes in between, I memorized Galatians 5:22 because the VERY last fruit of the Spirit is self-control. So, whenever the little angels pushed my buttons and threatened my …

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A mary Like Me, Passover, Uncategorized, worship

Pour Oil on the Feet of Jesus

The Jewish Passover celebration is six days away.   If you are ever given the opportunity to attend a Seder (Passover) meal, take it! The symbolism within the Seder brings what Jesus did for us to life. The Jews celebrate Passover to remember their freedom from slavery. Christians can celebrate it for the same reason. We are free. Free from eternal …

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breadBite of Bread, Holy Spirit

Bite of Bread: 7 Scriptures on the Holy Spirit

  He told them to wait in Jerusalem. “I am going to send you what my Father has promised, but stay in the city until you’ve been clothed with power from on high” (Luke 24: 49). Can you imagine receiving this command? They had watched Him die, and experienced His victory over death. They’ve eaten with the resurrected Jesus, touched …

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