There is something magical about Christmas lights.
Ordinary homes transform into gumdrop houses. The outline of barren trees form graceful shapes against the darkness, and inside my home the lights from our tree cast a warm glow. I love to sit in their grace listening to the quiet and counting my blessings.
When my kids were tiny, we’d dress them for bed, and in the cover of darkness we’d pile into the mini-van, children clad in footy pajamas, to drive around the neighborhoods glowing with festive colors. They still love to do it today though not dressed in their p.j.’s.
But it struck me the other night that without the darkness, there would be no magic. When the lights on the bushes in my yard stay lit during the daylight hours, their light diminishes. It’s as if they are straining to be seen at all. But when the sun goes down…they shine.
We need the darkness to see the lights.
Many of us cringe when daylight savings time ends and the days are shortened. We love the long summer days that last into the evening hours. I think whoever invented Christmas lights must have known how to turn lemons into lemonade because now with neighborhoods lit up, we can enjoy the longer nights. I can’t wait for the sun to go down and my lights to come on both inside and outside my home.
God even uses the darkness for good.
[tweetability]If you’re in a “dark” place, look for His light.[/tweetability]
If you’ve found His light, how has Light shone in your darkness?
What better time to share your faith than Christmas? Maybe you will be that one bulb shining on a string of lights that will give someone hope tonight. Let your light shine.
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With Joy,
Andy, I am in a dark place-this sin filled planet and sometimes it wears me down.
Thanks for the reminder that the light can’t be extinguished. I’ll always have it.
I just have to turn my face toward it.
And you light up the darkness as The Light shines through you, Sondra. :) You’re entered.
And I have absolutely no clue whose picture that is next to my name, bizarre!
I deleted it for you. :)
You are so right! There is nothing more beautiful than lights persevering through the dark!! Thanks for the reminder:)
Thanks for reading and commenting, Meg. You’re entered!
A simply lovely reminder of why we love The Light and a great encouragement to share Him.
Thanks, Cheryl! You’re entered. :)