To those who have been called….(Jude 1). I was in a funk the other day as I drove home. Tired. Irritated. I didn’t want to be that way, so I did what I’ve learned through the years as the best treatment for my mood. I began thanking God for all of my blessings then I prayed for people whose names are forever on …

Fear, Oppression, and Sadness are Invitations for Healing
My stomach was in knots. I busied myself with morning chores awaiting the phone call. I just had a feeling that it was going to be painful. Though the sun shone outside, my spirit felt a storm coming. And it did. I answered the call, and after our niceties she gave me the “word from the Lord” …

Wrestling with God: Holding onto the Promise of Purpose/ Epiteleo
I’m convinced that the people who walk in their God purpose, no matter how big or small, are content because they are supernaturally fully satisfied. I’m also convinced that as long as we are seeking, maybe even wrestling, after what God’s purpose is for us, we will run into it. I’ve heard sermons explaining that wrestling with God is not …

How to Let Go When God Tells You To: The blessing of obedience
Does your spirit feel at peace, or are you restless? Does something fight within, but you can’t put your finger on it to settle the tremors? Usually when I feel this way, God is trying to tell me something. I experienced this a few years ago when I was working outside our home. It was the one small paying job on my daily eclectic list …

God is Able when I am Not
March always brings out the worst in me. I find my heart tapping its foot impatiently waiting for warmer weather and spring to bloom. I become “hangry”. Hungry for spring and angry because it won’t come fast enough. I know. It’s ridiculous, isn’t it? I know better than to groan and moan. But I’m restless and tired of colorless grass, …