cancer, faith, heaven


  My nose is clogged. My throat throbs, and tears keep getting in my way. The wind outside beating against my windows and the deep darkness, the darkest moment before the sunrise, is symbolic of my grief this morning as I write. I prayed, “Lord, I can’t write these words today…I’ve got to be upbeat and positive. I shouldn’t wear …

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faith, purpose, trusting God, Uncategorized

How Do I Find My Purpose?: Trust God (Process to Purpose Series)

  “Trust in the Lord….” (Psalm 37:3)   “Where is your faith?” The words punched me in the stomach. I couldn’t breathe…I certainly could not answer. I looked into the eyes of my accuser with nothing to counter his accusation. I was faithless. Trust-less of God. My hope for my circumstances to change was fading. From my perspective all I could see …

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faith, heaven, poetry, prayer

Look Up (A Heavenly Moment)

“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” ~Ecclesiastes 3:11 Clouds like Grey cardboard cutouts Float among  Puffy cotton-balls In a cerulean sky. For a brief Moment My spirit Is allured into Their ethereal Peace. “Take me!” I …

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faith, God's faithfulness, God's promises, God's Sovereignty, prayer, Uncategorized

Nothing Can Stop the Promises of God

“…So Sarah laughed to herself as she thought. ‘After I am worn out and my master is old, will I have this pleasure? Then the Lord said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh and say, ‘Will I really have a child, now that I am old?’ Is anything too hard for the Lord? I will return to you at the …

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death, depression, Disappointments, faith, prayer

When I Stopped Praying

A few years ago I rode a roller-coaster in prayer. One day my faith would be on the highest of highs and the next day plummeted to the lowest of lows. There was no level ground of faith. Until this difficult time in my life, though my prayers weren’t always answered just as petitioned, they were answered favorable enough often enough to feel …

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