A candle burning. Flickering flame Sweet purple aroma filling the room. Ticking clock warning Seconds flying by in the outside world Time stopped here in the dark. “Pour another cup of coffee and stay awhile.” I feel the smile as You invite me to Sit longer with You. Though You are invisible The butterflies in my stomach Give away Your …
Treasures in Dark Places (2nd time)
I’m going through my archives (if you haven’t noticed). I’m realizing how important and powerful it is to journal your journey with the Lord. It’s been good to look back and hear my own faith. Funny, but sometimes I have to be reminded of my faith because I seem to only remember my moments of failure, emptiness, and struggle. So, …
An Answered and Unanswered Question
If you have lived long enough (which I think all who read this blog have!), you have learned that though many mysteries of Christ have been revealed to us through His words and actions, at times life seems to contradict what Jesus said. Now, before you hang me up by my toenails for that statement, give me a minute to …
Expectation of the Tangible
Dear Lord, To the God of Abraham and Isaac, and Jacob we lift up our hands today. We love you Lord! We praise you and thank you for your amazing love. God, I really don’t know what the eyes reading these words need, but I do know that every one of us need You. We need Your presence; we need …
A Snowball in July
Dear friends, I wanted to write a note to thank you for reading and apologize for the lack of posts lately. It’s amazing how life can snowball in the heat of summer! A few months ago, I shared with you a new resolution to write only when I have something to say rather than simply because I have to say something …