eternity, filling of Holy Spirit, hope, Need, prayer, slow down, Value

The Mundane and the Eternal

The pressures of this world’s duties tug at my pant leg while I desire to be doing eternal things. Laundry just doesn’t seem to hold such weight, yet it must get done. I’ve always been able to relate to Mary more than Martha, not because I’m holy, but because I’d rather pray than mop the floor.

After making my hourly schedule a few weeks ago, I realized that I’m not able to live that way. It’s not my personality. I was exhausted–productive maybe but joyless in the process. I’ve now found what works for me is choosing one or two big things to accomplish for the day as the day allows. I really want to live by the Spirit not Andy’s “to do” list. I don’t want to get to heaven and God say, “Well…your house was immaculate, everyone in your family always had clean underwear, and you never ran out of milk, but you did not love your neighbor.”

I don’t think I’m alone in this quandary.

Want to pray? That’s the only way I know how to find the balance.

“Dear Lord,

There is so much to do. How will it ever get done? Please don’t let me miss the eternal jobs set before your child because of  my frantic haste to accomplish the mundane. I know Your priorities are different from my human ones. Grant me discernment. Slow. Me. Down. Put music in my ears, songs in my heart. Give me eyes to see as You see, a heart to feel as You feel. Fill me with You. Only Jesus. You are hope, joy, peace. Help me trust You, not me. Silence the lie that God only helps those who help themselves. Don’t let me move into action until I’ve heard from You. Amen.”

I love this nugget:
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. ~Romans 15:13 (NIV)

Do you struggle with the balance of what is your responsibility (of course you have to do the laundry) and what you need to trust God to do?  Or the balance of time with Him and time doing chores? How do you find the balance?

Much grace and peace,


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