Bible study, Palm Sunday, prayer, Uncategorized

Word Wednesday: When Jesus doesn’t Save you Like you Plan/ Hosanna

  Has Jesus ever disappointed you? Are your plans not working out? You’re not alone. We celebrate Jesus’ final entry into Jerusalem as “Palm Sunday” because the people threw their coats on the road for a make-shift red carpet, and they tore off palm branches to wave in the air as they yelled, “Hosanna! Hosanna!” I remember teaching this for …

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Bible Reading Plan

Bible Reading Plan: Jesus’ Final Week

    Easter has always been one of my favorite celebrations. How could a girl not love a holiday that involved buying a new dress and shoes? In elementary school I got new Sunday socks too. They had ruffles. I carried this tradition onto my family. It wasn’t as much fun for my boys; they just saw Easter as painful because they had …

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good worksEternal Works, Uncategorized

3 Steps to Balance the Daily Grind with Eternal Works

As a stay-at-home mom and writer, the pressures of this world’s duties tug at my pant leg while I desire to be doing eternal things. Laundry doesn’t seem to hold heavenly weight, yet it must get done. I know, I can pray for each person whose socks I fold, but I’d rather be writing a Bible study. I’ve always related to …

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Bible study, Mary of Bethany, purpose

Word Wednesday: Don’t Send Her Away/ Aphiemi

    An excerpt from A Mary Like Me.   ….The aroma of baked matzo and roasted lamb filled the room as Martha dished up the food. They were celebrating the new life Lazarus received from Christ just a chapter ago. This meal was a great celebration of life; music playing, wine flowing, and laughter filling the home. Until, that …

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Bible Reading Plan, grief, prayer

Bible Reading Plan: Does God Always Answer?

In the past 4 years, I’ve written almost 600 posts. Strolling through my archives, I found this one written in 2011. It seemed fitting for our 30 Day Prayer Challenge.(click to read) If you are having trouble praying expectantly and thankfully, maybe this will help…. I went treasure hunting in the dark today. (Reading my Bible before sunrise.) This is what I found: …

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