Bible study

Word Wednesday: I’ve Never Liked the Proverbs 31 Woman/ Chayil

Do you know her? She’s perfect. Perfect. In case you don’t know her, let me introduce you. Here she is: (Proverbs 31: 10-31) [b]A wife of noble character who can find?     She is worth far more than rubies. 11 Her husband has full confidence in her     and lacks nothing of value. 12 She brings him good, not harm,     all the days of …

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Bible Reading Plan, thankfulness

Bible Reading Plan for a Healthier Spirit: 10 Reps of Thankfulness Everyday

How are your spiritual muscles this morning? Weak and flabby? Strong and fit? Somewhere in the middle? Need help? [tweetability]There’s not very many exercises that will strengthen your spirit like the repetition of thankfulness.[/tweetability]   Try 10 reps of thankfulness everyday. It’s not difficult. You can do it at home, no gym needed, and the best thing about thankfulness is …

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Bible Reading Plan

Bible Reading Plan for a healthier Spirit (Blame it on the Oatmeal)

  It’s not the oatmeal’s fault or my son’s. It’s really mine. But I thought the hot cereal would be least tainted by my blame. I’m late posting today because I cooked oatmeal for breakfast–on the stove kind, not instant. Last week I listened to a presentation about eating healthy. I was convinced to feed my family and myself the rainbow (think colors in …

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