Sorry for the extra post today. I found a huge typo in my list this week. It’s one of the most important verses, so I don’t want anybody to miss it. I don’t want you to look up the wrong verse (that I typed wrong) and think, “Why in the world did she choose that one!? If you only read …

#BiteofBread: For the Stressed and Worried
I think it’s a common phenomenon, this thing called worry and stress. But I don’t like it. I don’t like it when my friends suffer with it, and I really struggle when I find myself stressed and worried. I’m the one preaching about trusting God! But God always allows those who teach about His provision and faithfulness to attend “refresher …
Bite of Bread: Just Good Stuff
No theme this week. I’m just going with the flow of the Holy Spirit’s lead. These are verses of worship, instruction, and promise–good stuff that can fill our hungry souls and give us something to chew on all day. Unlike a piece of gum that provides no nourishment and looses its flavor, the Word of God never becomes stiff and …
Bite of Bread: God Loves You
I know. I missed the opportunity. Valentines Day was last week. But it’s still fresh on my mind because of the Godiva chocolates on my desk and the roses on my dinner table. And just like every holiday, I feel I’m more thoughtful of the moment after it passes. Valentines Day is one of those holidays we need to …
Bite of Bread: Wisdom in Philippians/Practical Living
One more week of January! Many of the Bites of Bread Bible plans focus on God’s character and His promises, but this week our focus is on us. . . how we live by His grace and love. Light your candle, brew some strong coffee or steep your tea, and don’t forget to grab your journal. I’ll be …