Bite of Bread, Uncategorized

Bite of Bread: Bible Reading Plan on Thankfulness

  As a friend and I closed our phone conversation the other day, she said, “Oh…oh…oh.. I have to ask you something somebody asked me the other day.” She paused for a thoughtful moment and then shot this question through the airwaves. “If you woke up tomorrow to find only what you thanked God for today, what would you have?” It took …

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prayer, Uncategorized

A Book on Prayer that Takes You to Heavenly Places: A #Giveaway

  I’ve found a new favorite author and book that will take permanent residence on my bookshelf and in my heart. When I’ve found something great, I have to share it. That’s why I talk and write about Jesus all the time. But . . . I enjoy wordsmiths who not only teach me, but whose words stir my soul. …

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