The other day, I texted a friend letting her know I was praying for her son. She wrote back, “Thank you! We’ve got to pray that he would be the new creation that he is and the enemy will leave him alone!” Her words lingered in my thoughts, and I began to ponder what it means to be a new …
Praying With Power
They sit in front of me in need of a tissue while tears pour down their faces. They come every Sunday after the sermon. Our prayer team awaits them ready to battle in prayer. Most days the stories and needs aren’t too difficult, but sometimes, the heartbreak is great, and so is the darkness that created it. Today …
Fill Me Up Please
One dark summer night, I gave up. I could not convince the one debating me, so I gave in. Despite my years of walking with God, and my study in the Word, and the call on my life, I threw it all away. “I’ll just put all religions together. They’re all the same,” I proclaimed. But they aren’t. As soon …
Bite of Bread: Our Heavenly Dwelling
I’m not sure why, but I’ve found myself thinking a lot about heaven lately. It all started with a post I wrote on dragonflies. The fact those insects see colors we can’t see carried my thoughts to the possibility of “new” colors in heaven–colors already here that our eyes just don’t have the design to acknowledge. I wonder what a …
If I see God in Everything, even Suffering (“Streams in the Desert” Giveaway)
I fought with God. “I don’t want to write about that!” I told Him. Nobody wants to talk about pain and suffering being the will of God in our lives. In fact there are some preachers that preach against that. Jesus told us He came to give us abundant life. But He also told His disciples to take up their cross …