Judgment runs rampant in our society, especially on social media where we can hide behind our phone/computer screens and bravely (cowardly) lash out our opinions. I know when I’ve felt judged, I’ve also felt misunderstood. Why does judgment sting so badly? Is it just me? I don’t think so. Granted, some people handle it better than others. Some don’t care …
The Kindness, Mercy, and Faithfulness of God- His Chesed
Chesed is an ancient Hebrew word. One that most Americans don’t know. I have a framed version on my desk at school, and it often receives questions and funny looks. “What’s . . . CH-EES-D?” they ask. I smile and relish the opportunity to tell about my favorite attribute of God, and I think the most important piece of God’s …
Nobody is Too Far Gone to Come Back to Jesus
I remember it as if it were last night. In the darkness of a warm Oklahoma summer’s night I gave up. At age twenty-two I decided to stop believing in Jesus as the Savior of the World. I didn’t know that’s what I was doing. I had simply decided that I was wrong about this God/Jesus thing and that maybe …
Living in a World Where We Don’t Belong
The news is frightening. Some don’t watch it. I don’t very often, but once in awhile I get a sound bite from a radio station or Google News pops up on my phone, and I can’t resist. And sometimes tragedy in the news hits way too close to home. That’s what happened recently. My youngest son attends UNCC where a …
Book of Ruth Bible Study ONLINE
(Don’t forget to scroll to the end to see who won the book giveaway from last week)! For the next seven months, the blog articles and Bite of Bread Bible reading plan will be based on my Bible study on Ruth. It sounds like an eternity, I know, but the study has 31 lessons with each focused on a Hebrew …