Humility Doesn’t Demand She no longer could sit on her hands. Ruth HAD to do SOMETHING. They desperately needed food, so Ruth did what she could. She’d heard that Naomi’s God allowed widows and foreigners to glean in harvested fields, and Ruth was both–a foreigner and a widow. She fit the requirements, so she bravely stepped into a field and …
How are We Blessed to be a Blessing?
What Does it Mean to Be Blessed? Have you ever wondered if our idea of “blessed” is different from God’s? I mean, it’s easy to feel “blessed” when everything is going great, but it’s really hard to see the blessings when life is a struggle. Although many of us feel this way, and many preachers teach a health and wealth …
Destined to be Guided by Faithfulness
Everyday Destiny Do you ever wonder how much life happens by chance, or if the hand of God is leading and guiding every detail? Sometimes I wonder. I mean, there are millions of people on the planet! Those thoughts dance through my mind, but it doesn’t take long for my heart to come back around to the belief that God …
Trusting God When Life is Hard (Ruth Study week 7)
When life falls apart, the first thing many people think is that God is mad at them. It’s a knee-jerk reaction. You may be a mature believer who’s walked a long time with God and no longer react this way, but the majority of us have experienced such thoughts. Job was the exception to this rule. He didn’t believed he …
Desperate Faith
Do you remember the day when you decided God was real? What or who was it who convinced your faith? More than likely your faith developed step by step, relationship by relationship as you experienced other believers and their walk with God. Faith isn’t something that happens over night. I remember clearly a day when someone who did not believe …