promises of God, Uncategorized

God Gives Promises with Yellow Paint

“Love never fails.” 1 Corinthians 13:8 

I’m sitting in my newest favorite writing place. It’s not a Starbucks or a Port City Java (for my local Wilmington friends). It’s in my home. I’ve finally graduated from writing in the corner of our dining room. I have an office! It’s not decorated, nothing on the walls yet, and it’s messy.

My yellow office

I never knew how much I needed my own space. If you are a mom or hope to be married with children someday–just let me tell you now, in case you haven’t awakened to this…we women need our own rooms. But as a mommy we share everything. Our bedroom (which is a good thing), our bathroom (which is not always a good thing) and practically every room in the house. I’ve always known my husband needed his own space. Why didn’t I realize my need?

Now that two little birds (children) have flown from the nest, we’re occupying rooms differently which opened up our office for me.

{Cue angel choir.}

Years ago we re-painted this room whose dark walls made it feel too small. My family chose the paint swatch that looked beige. I had hoped for a yellow choice, but I was out-voted 4-1.

But when we rolled the new paint on, the color looked more yellow than beige.

I tried to act disappointed.

“Darn! I’m so sorry, honey. How did this happen?”

I’m a terrible liar and my acting skills lacking, so I’m sure my husband saw through my charade. I was smiling on the inside.

That day I knew this office was going to be my space, but I needed to wait. The timing wasn’t right. My son would use it, then my husband. But…

The yellow paint was a promise from God.

And somehow, the need for an office was also a promise that in His time, when I would need several large book shelves holding books used for research and a space where I could be messy, books strewn around, open to the latest nugget I used in a Bible study, someday…the office with the yellow walls would become the quiet place for me to do a lot of writing.

Almost seven years later it’s mine.

It’s a silly little thing in this realm, but in my spirit it is huge.

What yellow paint promise has God given you?

[tweetability]Hold on to the promise. Wait patiently, but keep working where He has you–be productive during the waiting.[/tweetability]

The office hasn’t made me a writer, it was just a sweet promise to hold onto as I launched out in faith toward the call of God–toward the dream.

I’ve not arrived, but I’m not where I was seven years ago.

Are you moving forward with your call?

If you aren’t, what’s holding you back? I’d love to pray for you. If you feel you can’t move forward and need a yellow paint promise from God, please leave a comment. I will reply. If you want to comment privately, you can e-mail me at

Much grace,


I’ll be linking to the blog parties to the right. Please click on the names under the icons to find more inspiration.


  1. I love this, Andy – so full of hope.

  2. Bob

    I enjoy your posts. Bless you my old friend.

    1. Thanks Bob! But we’re not that old! :) Thanks so much for reading and leaving a comment. Blessings back!

  3. Patricia Keough-Wilson

    I needed this today. Thank you.

    1. Thanks for letting me know Patricia. You’re one of my favorites you know. (God’s too.)

  4. Yellow fits you my friend!

    1. I know! (squeal) Thanks Sandy!

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