I have a confession. Most of the time, I’m a joyful person, but I have my days. And when those days come, I cannot make myself choose joy. It’s a really popular saying right now. Many would prove it biblical, but it’s not always possible in my experience. I’ve tried. In fact, trying to force myself to be joyful made …

Fighting Discouragement: 7 Scriptures On Joy (Free Printable)
It’s my “word” for the year. Honestly, I’m not sure if I chose it because I kept seeing Pinterest images during Christmas with this word cleverly placed on mantels or doorposts or wreaths. But I gravitated to it. Something deep inside felt a twinge when I’d place my eyes on it, and so, that is how I chose …

Deep Joy and a Friday Giveaway!
Do you have people in your life you feel connected to, but you haven’t had much time together? There’s simply something that draws you close. Kindred heartbeats. I met a lovely lady a few years ago at a writers conference who intimidated me. It wasn’t her doing. It was all in my head. She was a multi published author, …

Bite of Bread: Filled With Joy
Joy. I think of “happy” as fleeting and surfacey but I think of “joy” as the deeper, more grown-up version of happy. Joy doesn’t depend on circumstances–not the joy God gives, because joy from God is birthed from His grace. [bctt tweet=”Joy from God is birthed from His grace. ” username=”wordsbyandylee”] This is how Rick Warren defines joy: Joy …
How to find joy in the midst of fear and persecution
The clouds hide the earth below. Vapor drifts over the airplane wing and I notice the miles left on the colorless metal. A small dint here, a dark spot there. How many times has this plane carried families to Disney World? I ponder this question as I fly to a writers conference outside Orlando. I always enjoy flying because …