“Faith is not something you have; it is something you practice.” I wish this wisdom originated from my brain, but it didn’t. I found this statement written in my Bible–something a younger me wrote either a few weeks, or months, or years ago. The inked words were carefully written above Daniel 3–the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abendego. Now that’s …
Bite of Bread: Bible Reading Plan for Living this Life of Faith
If you were to define faith in your own words, how would you describe it? What is faith to you? Is it accomplished with the mind alone or does faith include more than brainwaves? What encourages or stirs up your faith? [tweetability]I find that my faith grows as I live it.[/tweetability] I’m stirred when I share my faith with …
Bite of Bread Bible Reading Plan: Strengthen Your Faith
My dad played a big role in my faith. It wasn’t because he was a strong man of God. It wasn’t because he prayed like the great saints. It wasn’t because he directed the choir of our tiny Methodist church and sang Because He Lives every Easter. My faith is actually stronger today because somewhere through the years, my dad …
How I began to find contentment as a stay-at-home mom: It started with a question
“Where is your faith?” The words punched me in the stomach. I couldn’t breathe…I certainly could not answer. I looked into the eyes of my accuser with nothing to counter his accusation. The irony of this conversation was that for years I tried to persuade my dad to have faith in Jesus. Now he was questioning mine. As I fretted over a missed job opportunity, …
When there is no solution to your problem, give up.
You’ve racked your brain trying to think of a solution, and despite your brilliance, there is none. No way out. No hope. Sigh. Cry. “What are we gonna do?” you asked. Oh, I’ve been there. I’ve struggled so hard to find a way through a problem that my head literally hurt. And at that point, exhausted and frustrated, I …