Bite of Bread, faith

Bite of Bread: Extreme Faith

F- Future A- Acceptance I-Involving T-Trust H-Hope Scripture promises that God blesses faith. We’re told that Abraham was considered righteous because of his faith (Romans 4:22). We’re also promised that all who believe in Jesus will be saved. (John 3:16) Faith is essential. It’s on my mind tonight because I’ve been writing my “Acknowledgement” page for A Mary Like Me, and it’s …

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Fear Holds Us Hostage

“I’m afraid to drive around here–I get lost!” a good friend told me the other day. “I have directions written down, and I try to follow them, but sometimes I’m so focused on reading the directions, I totally drive right past where I’m trying to go, and then I don’t know where to go.” she continued. The streets in her …

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faith, Uncategorized, Word Wednesday

There is now No Condemnation Ever Ever Ever Ever: A Word Wednesday Post

The phone rang and I answered. Something in me was a little worried. You know when you feel something painful coming? We talked about the weather and the kids, skirting around the reason why she called. Maybe she was just softening me up preparing me for the blow. Or maybe she dreaded it herself. Then she asked how I was …

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