I believe very few of us walk in our true identity everyday. Rather than who we are in Christ, we let the mirror be our judge or our circumstances or the scale. When we were kids we found our identity in how others treated us, our grades, or whether or not our daddy told us we were pretty. Hollywood …
Bite of Bread: Encouragement for Your Heart
Sometimes I need heart encouragement. Do you haves those days too? Days when good is all around you, but like a warning sign on your car’s dashboard, your heart is telling you that something needs maintenance. I’m finding that even when wonderful things are swirling around me, spring has arrived, Easter has been celebrated, and the year is filled with …
Bite of Bread: Reading for Easter Week 2015/ Sure of Jesus
2015. World events escalate and rumors of end-times intertwine within conversations and thoughts as we watch the news. “We’re closer than we’ve ever been,” we mumble. Of course we are. Each year we creep closer. I remember when 1984 was supposed to be the end of the world. At least that was as far as George Orwell’s mind dreamed …
Bite of Bread: Palm Sunday Week Reading Plan
I love Easter. It’s my favorite holiday. I would like to tell you that it’s my favorite because I’m just that spiritual, but I have a sneaky suspicion that I love it because Easter always ushers in spring. Even in cold climates where an Easter sweater is required rather than a new Easter dress because the snow won’t melt without …
Bite of Bread: Intentional Worship
When I cannot feel the faith of assurance, I live by the fact of God’s faithfulness. ~Matthew Henry David was one of God’s favorites. He wasn’t perfect. But God described him as a man after His own heart. [tweetability]Do we want to be people that chase after God’s own heart?[/tweetability] Yes please. I’ll take two. Okay, just one is all …