Psalm 63 is one of my favorites. It was written by David when he was running from King Saul in the Desert of Judah.
I’ve had the blessing of walking through that desert twice in a place called En Gedi where David hid from Saul (1Samuel 23:29). The picture above was taken there, and the animal is called an ibex–a type of mountain goat.
It’s a hot and dusty place. On one side of the highway leading to En Gedi is the Dead Sea, the other side, the desert. The area we walked through had a small waterfall and tiny stream trickling through the area. It’s a small oasis in the desert. Grass and a few trees grow along side of the stream, but the rest of the land was hot, dry, sand and rocks.

The desert can be a cruel place to run, but there was more to David’s pain than the heat and lack of water. David’s life was being threatened by a man who he had trusted and loved. David had served under King Saul, and now he was being threatened by him.
Have you been in a desert place like that? Enemies seem to appear around every corner. Provision is sparse, and you wonder if you will survive? Deserts are lonely places.
But David knew what to do in the desert. He has given us some wonderful examples of how to get through those hard days. Let’s study that this week.
[bctt tweet=”Let’s learn how to praise God in those desert places of our lives.” username=”wordsbyandylee”]
Take a screen shot or jot these down. Actually, It’s all Psalm 63, so that’s not too hard to remember! I’m looking forward to our Facebook Live morning pow-wows click on the link to find out how to join me. I’ll see you at 8:20 ET if you can join us! Let me pray you up this week. Grab my hands.
“Dear Lord, We love you! God you know what it’s like to be in the desert. You know what it’s like to be alone and afraid and hot and thirsty. Lord, you never left David. He fought many battles, but you were there helping him all the way. Teach us to trust you as he did. May these scriptures this week strengthen our praise and our resolve to worship you through the wilderness days. We give you all of our praise. Amen.”
Digging Deep,
So encouraging. It can be easy to forget God’s own Son walked through the desert, too! Thanks for this great reminder! Blessings!
Thanks Liz! Yes, Jesus knows the desert. Thanks for the reminder. Thanks for stopping by. :)
Amen. Thank you for a powerful post.
Hi Jann! Thank you for being such an encourager. Thanks for stopping by. :)
[…] David wrote Psalm 63, he was running from King Saul. I have a feeling that his surroundings resembled how he felt. Sometimes our desert places are […]