This is the first Monday in March. Love it. A new week, a new month, hope is in the air. Permission to start something new.
How do you feel about Mondays or March?
Mondays. Most of us hate them. Some of us like them. I like them because I don’t have to wait for New Years to come around once a year; I can start over every Monday.
March. Your opinion of this month depends upon where you live. When I lived in New England, March was a H-A-R-D month for me because this Southern girl wanted to plant flowers and buy a pretty dress for Easter with short sleeves. But March was cold in the North, and planting flowers was not advised until late May, early June! I bought an Easter SWEATER rather than a spring dress.
With this week of fresh starts, the Bite of Bread is formatted a little differently. Rather than jumping all through your Bible this week, we are reading through Romans 8 together. It is one of the most powerful chapters in the Bible, in my humble opinion. Some of Paul’s most famous verses are compacted into this one chapter.
I pray you will be encouraged as you read this week, and I pray for new understanding and insight as you focus on this single chapter–I think a whole book or Bible study could be written on this one chapter from Romans.
What about you, do you love or hate Mondays? What are your thoughts about March? Do you love it or force yourself to march on through it?
See you Wednesday!
Bite of Bread: Reading Plan (March 3-9)
Light your candle; pour your coffee; grab that journal. Write down your favorite verses as you read this week. Thank God for the powerful promises found in this chapter in the Bible. I’d love to know which is your favorite. Leave a comment through the week.