No one can see God’s face and live–at least not as the same person he or she was before the encounter. And in order to see His face, to experience that kind of intimacy with Him, one must die to one’s self….There is no paved road that leads to destiny. I began to learn that it is not about a …
My Ebenezer
What exactly is an Ebenezer Stone? It’s one of those words that lies dormant in the cob-webbed part of my brain. Yet, this morning as I read my friend’s post about her autistic daughter’s latest miraculous achievement, this word came to my mind as I commented on her post. To be honest, before I pressed “send” I had to look up Ebenezer …
Isaiah 55
For my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are my ways your ways. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts. As the rain and snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and …
The Banner of Trust Continued
Do I Trust You? Twila Paris Sometimes my little heart can’t understand What’s in Your will what’s in Your planSo many times I’m tempted to ask You whyBut I can never forget it for longLord what You do could not be wrongSo I believe You even when I must cry Chorus: Do I trust You Lord does the robin singDo I …
The Banner of Trust
Faith is not a four letter word. But sometimes I feel like it is. The fever blisters on my hand (rather than my lips like most people) are the personification of the stress I placed on myself last month. Stress I didn’t really need to have because God had the situation under control. I confess, now that I can see …