This weekend our family is celebrating Stephen’s high school graduation. I’m excited for him. I’m thrilled to see him mature and change and grow into the man God is calling him to be. He’s ready for the next step. Love it. Yet there is a part of me who knows I could easily be grieving all weekend because there are …
Paint Your Toenails
“Who is in charge of your life? If it is you, then you have good reason to worry. But if it is I (God), then worry is both unnecessary and counterproductive. When you start to feel anxious about something, relinquish the situation to Me. Back off a bit, redirecting your focus to Me. I will either take care of the …
A Prayer for Israel
On Friday I placed a link on my post explaining the threat building around Israel. I hope many of you took time to watch it. If you didn’t please do. I saw even more disturbing news on t.v. last night concerning the borders. More violence. More threats. More hatred for our fellow Jews. You might feel as helpless about the …
A Friday Post for Israel
“It’s Friday! Oh no! I don’t have anything to write!” –a glimpse into my frantic mind. There are those who feel they have to say something and those who feel they have something to say. I’m afraid I’m of the former at this moment. But I will continue. It’s been a wonderfully hectic week filled with end of the year …
My Prayer Today
My prayers can be so shallow: Please keep me comfortable. Today, as I read this Psalm, I knew this was a prayer that went beyond my human petitions. This prayer contains the weight of eternity. I’ve added my own words in italics. Care to pray with me? Oh Lord, Your statutes are WONDERFUL;therefore I obey them.the unfolding of your words givesLIGHT;it …