God provides. I’ve experienced his provision in so many ways. I’m sure you have too. I cannot think of a better way to prepare our hearts during this season of Lent than focusing on the ways God has provided for us and promises to provide for the future. With the cost of food and gas, wars, border issues, and division in our country, it’s so important to stand on this truth. God will provide for our needs.
As we continue our series of the Names of God, we continue to know God better. Each name represents his character; therefore, they reveal his heart, his goodness and faithfulness, power and love. I pray this series will help you fall in love with the Lord more and more every month.
We’ve studied, El Elyon, the God most High and El Roi, the God who sees me. Now we’re digging deep into the God who provides, Yahweh Yireh, which is the Hebrew name. You might be more familiar with the English counterpart–Jehovah Jireh. I love to use the Hebrew because it draws me closer the the biblical characters who gave him these names as they experienced the Living God.

Abraham Named God Yahweh Yireh
Abraham gave God this name in Genesis 22. As he journeyed with Isaac up the mountain to the place of sacrifice, Isaac realized they were missing something. He carried the wood and his father carried the fire and knife, but they did not have a lamb.
“Where’s the lamb?” he asked.
“God will provide” answered his dad.
Surely as Abraham labored up the mountain his prayers didn’t cease. “I trust you Yahweh Yireh. You don’t go back on your promises. You’ve given me this son who will also one day have a son and grandson and great-grandson and descendants too numerous to count.”
Within Abraham resided crazy faith. But I believe he held this faith and could go through this test because he had walked for so long with Yahweh. He’d experienced his miracles. Especially the miracle of the long desired and awaited promised son.
Yahweh Yireh Provided the Sacrifice
And God did provide. At the very last moment before Abraham’s knife plunged into Isaac’s heart, the angel of the Lord stopped him.
Abraham looked up and there in a thicket he saw a ram caught by its horns. He went over and took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering instead of his son. So Abraham called that place The Lord Will Provide. And to this day it is said, “On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided.”
Genesis 22: 13-14 NIV
Word Study- Provide
Raha: to see, to understand intellectually, perceive . . . attend to, to discover, to experience.
Strongs 7200
This is the same word Hagar used the first time she met the Living God. She said, “I have seen (raha) the one who sees (raha) me.” I wrote about this last month and shared this lesson on my YouTube channel. How powerful that El Roi’s vision means he understands us. But according to the context of Abrahams’s encounter with the Living God, his vision, his watching, his knowing, not only Abraham’s actions, but his heart was the catalyst for his provision. Yahweh saw and provided.
Yahweh Provided the Lamb for Us
It’s his nature. It’s his character. We focus mainly on our physical needs when we think of God’s provision. But we cannot miss the most important provision, most costly provision, Yahweh Yireh has given us. He provided the perfect Lamb of God.
Don’t miss the parallel story of the father sacrificing the son–of Abraham and YHWH. The LORD never commands what he himself is not willing to do. Isaac did not die, but God’s Son, Jesus did. I’ve written about Mary in my book A Mary Like Me as she stood at the foot of the Cross watching Jesus suffer. Did she cry out, “Where’s the ram?” Did she pray, “Please send the ram!”?
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
John 3:16-17 NIV
He’s provided the way to live forever, to be made whole, to live with purpose and grace. Oh, somebody say hallelujah!
Bible Reading Plan on Yahweh Yireh
So, here’s the thing: I love writing about God’s provision. I want to cheer you on to faith in Yahweh Yireh, and I know how important our testimonies and personal experience of God’s provision are, BUT no testimony will stir your faith like the living Word of God. I am so excited about this reading plan on the God who provides. As always, you have two formats to choose from. One is simply a printable list of the 31 scriptures on God’s provision. The other is a 11-page reading plan with the scriptures, prompts, and lines to journal your thoughts.
Here’s a sneak peak of the first three days:
Day 1: Philippians 4: 19
And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
- The Philippi church had given an offering to help Paul’s ministry. None of the other churches had given. In this passage, Paul is thanking them and commending them for their generosity and then he gives them this promise. Can you remember a time when you gave to someone, and God provided for you? Write a prayer asking the Lord to highlight a ministry to give to.
Day 2: Matthew 6:26
Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?
Go for a walk today and watch the birds. Thank God for his provision.
Day 3: Psalm 81:10, 16
“I, the Lord, am your God, Who brought you up from the land of Egypt; Open your mouth wide and I will fill it. . . . But you would be fed with the finest of wheat; with honey from the rock I would satisfy you.”
I really want to sneak into my pantry and eat a spoonful of honey right now. Anyway, look at this promise! God promised complete provision, both healthy bread and sweet honey to Israel. All he required was their obedience. This is a key to his provision. Has God been nudging you about anything lately? Anything you need to stop doing or go do?
God is so kind. He doesn’t just give us what we need, he also provides dessert! (I did actually get me a small spoonful of honey after writing that prompt.)
Let Him Provide Everything
It is his nature. He’s the creator of the world who made the universe out of nothing. He simply spoke our world into existence. He is the God who owns cattle on a thousand hills. He takes care of the birds, and he catches every tear we cry.
Yahweh Yireh provides peace, protection, grace, and love. He is present. He sees, he knows, and he provides from the most basic need like a dozen eggs to our salvation. The Bible is filled with his promises which never change. Stand on them. He’s even given us his Spirit. We can’t out give our generous Father-God. Let him provide. Spend the month getting to know this part of God’s character and nature. He is Yahweh Yireh, the God who provides.
Faith Friday
Join me on Instagram, @wordsbyandylee, every Friday morning 9:00 AM ET! I’ll be unpacking our scriptures from the reading plan and teaching more on Yahweh Yireh. Just follow me and join me live at 9:00 AM!
Thanks for stopping by today. It’s your turn now. Leave a comment about your experience with the God who provides. And please share this article with anyone who needs this encouragement. Let’s get the word out! God provides.
Thanks for the article! There’s actually a profound link between the name Hagar gives to God (the God who sees) and the name Abraham gives to God (the God who provides). Some versions actually translate Jehovah Jireh as “the God who sees!” We can even see the connection between the concepts of seeing and providing in Latin AND in English. Pro-vision literally has the word “vision” as its root. To pro-vide literally means to “see ahead” or “see before” – so in a sense Abraham was taking Hagar’s name for God even deeper. He doesn’t just see me now. He sees ahead for me. He knows what’s coming tomorrow. And in that way, God’s provision isn’t reactionary – it’s proactive. Thank you, Lord, for knowing what we need even before we know that we need it!
Hallelujah! That is so good! Yes, I have discovered this was the same name Abraham used though translated differently. I always thought of it that Abraham was saying “God sees my heart, my actions and will act favorably and graciously.” He knew God’s goodness and faithfulness. So fun to chat with you! Thanks for sharing about the word “provide!” Loved that.
To God Be The Glory! Thank you for posting this! Amazing part of our testimony today. WOW
Thank you Ashley! Yay God!
[…] Jehova Jireh, The Lord who Provides […]
Powerful, I love his living TORAH.
Thanks for stopping by! Yes, I love His Living Torah too! ~ Andy
Nice blog! You’re right! He is the rock, and he does provide. I talk to him every night at bedtime. Thanks for this piece.
Thank you! You’re right. He is the rock. Thanks for stopping by!
Telling God, thank you is part of my prayer in the morning. I have often said: God, I’ve never gone without, not even one day. He has provided, shelter, clothing, food, and everything I need spiritually. He is a good good father.
Yes! I love that Gina. It is so true. Thankfulness is so important. Thank you for stopping by and sharing. Hope all is going well. We will miss ya’ll this weekend. Blessings!
I believe too that his name Nativity name is Lord is God of all the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit Yeshua God Bless you. Amen Alleluia
Thanks for sharing, Lucy! Blessings!