His thumb is double jointed; it can go farther back than most, but not as far as it was forced when it got stuck on the other guy’s lacrosse pads.
He heard a snap.
Ow. That hurt.
That hurt real bad.
They wrapped it, and he played the rest of the game even though he could barely hold his stick with that hand. Silly boy.
We watched it for 24 hours, but it looked pretty bad, so I did what all good mothers do, I took him to the doctor to have it checked out.
He’s fine. No breaks. But I shared Drew’s injury with you to show you the poster that was in the doctor’s office.
Sometimes, okay, many days I feel like this:
Who do you relate to in the poster?
Remember Chayil!
It’s all in the attitude.
See you Monday!
Balancing with Joy,
[tweetability]”Now may the Lord Himself give you His peace at all times and in every situation.”~ 2 Thess. 3:16[/tweetability]
Great link-ups!

How cute! I’m the dog in the picture. I just stare straight ahead and keep pedaling, and leave the rest to God. :)
I love it! Thanks so much for sharing! And for coming by. You’re awesome!
sorry to hear about Drew’s thumb. I hope it feels better by the next game….I’ve never been good at making life look easy. Oh well.
He’s fine. It happened last week. The poster about making life look easy is supposed to be funny–not possible. Just wanted to give people a smile today. Thanks for commenting Laura!