Okay, first, somebody probably gathered in their church building somewhere in the world, but the majority of us did not. Laws put in place to stop large gatherings and prevent the spread of coronavirus kept us home.
There has never been a day like this in the history of the world.
But despite the mandate not to meet under one roof, worship services were held everywhere. I watched church in my pajamas. As I waited for my church to start its live-stream worship service, I scrolled through my Facebook feed. Every other post in my feed seemed to be somebody’s church somewhere either worshiping or preaching the Word.
I don’t think there has been a day like this in the history of Facebook!
It was a little overwhelming for the servers. Buffering was a problem for awhile. One person commented, “When the world runs church on Facebook, I’m not sure Facebook can handle all this goodness.” (Love this, Brittany!) Despite the problems, we were able to watch.
Faith Can’t Be Stopped
Though scripture tells us to gather, we must obey the laws and be wise. And I know this is weird and frightening time, but can we just give God a big shout-out today? He won! God was glorified in the middle of a pandemic. We claimed that He is good; He is God, and He is victorious. We didn’t need to be under one roof. We proclaimed His goodness from our living rooms, our beds, our kitchens, and that proclamation beamed all over the world.
Romans 8:28 is tangible. You just have to know where to look.

The Good in the Bad
I don’t believe this pandemic is from God, but I believe he’s working good things out. It certainly has slowed us down, and that is good. This world crisis has forced us to put on the brakes and experience a sabbath. We rested.
Despite the mandates not to hold worship services at our churches, God provided a way. He used social media, something many of us don’t like, for something very good. Thank you, Lord!
Community During the Crisis
I’m not sure what your situation is as you read this. I pray you don’t have the virus, and you have some connection to the outside world. If you don’t, leave a comment, so we can get you connected.
For those of us connected to community whether via Facebook, church, or friends and neighbors, this is the time for us to be on the look out for those who need us. Be somebody’s community. Be the light in the dark. Church isn’t a building, remember. You may be somebody’s church. We definitely can be the hands and feet of Jesus. Let’s worship Jesus by serving others.
Bite of Bread Worshiping By Serving
We often look within and focus on our own needs and frustrations during crisis rather than looking toward who we can help or bless. Even if you find yourself at high risk needing to hibernate from the world, you too can make a difference as a prayer warrior, card sender, and phone angel. Call the ones you know could use some Sonshine!
This is a wonderful time to slow down and spend more time digging into the Word! (Another act of worship.) Join us. Grab the free printable.
Romans 12:1
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.
Prompt: Worship is more than singing and hearing a sermon. Worship involves service. Today, write a note of encouragement to someone you know needs it.
Matthew 23:11
The greatest among you will be your servant.
Prompt: Do you have anyone in your life who you depend on to serve you in some way? How can you serve them this week?
1 Peter 4:10
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
Prompt: Okay, I know you have a gift. Is it baking? Art? Encouragement? Mechanics? Sit with the Lord today and ask him to show you how you can use your gift for someone today. Pray, “Lord, I don’t know who it is, but put them in my path today to share the gift you’ve given me. Amen.” I’m so excited about this one! Please let us know either by leaving a comment or going to our Facebook community page and sharing.
Romans 12: 10-13
Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. 11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. 12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. 13 Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.
Prompt: I love this scripture. I feel like it sums up our life right now. I know we are practicing social distancing, but we are allowed a couple of people in our homes. We’re also allowed to cook for people we know can’t get out or go to the store for them. Here’s a great article on 10 things you can do for people in quarantine.
Hebrews 6:10
God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.”
Prompt: According to this scripture, how do we show Jesus we love him? I’ve always prayed to love Jesus more, and this proves how important it is for us to pray to love the people in our lives and for grace to serve them. Who will you serve today? Write it down.
Matthew 25:40
“And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’
Prompt: When we serve others, we’re serving Jesus. Pray for eyes to see people like he sees them and for eternal vision. Let’s love Jesus lavishly today.
Don’t forget the free download to help you study!
Bible Study From Your Couch

If you can’t meet with your small group, join us at 7:30 PM ET! Just follow me on FB, and we’ll share some goodness of God’s Word virtually! I’ll have my hot tea and stretchy pants on! Meet me on my timeline. But first, I want to pray over you. Hold my hands.
“God, you are so good and kind to us. Nothing takes you by surprise. This disease is causing fear and death in our world, but Lord, help us rise up as women of faith to be the hands and feet and prayer-warriors who participate with you as you work it for good. Use us mightily! In Jesus name, help us serve our neighbors. Let that be our act of worship. No church building required. Amen.”
Andy, I especially loved your post today! It reflected so many facets of God’s work and love in and through us even in this challenging time. Appreciated your creative ideas for how we can “be church” to other people.
Thanks Gail! You are a blessing!
This was a beautiful post Andy! I too enjoyed seeing all the services all over the country on Facebook on Sunday. I watched the services on Hope at Lifepoint and Mike Ashcrofts message on Hope at Port City Community Church.
What a time to be alive! I shared these services with my family and friends in NY that don’t have the blessings of such churches! They were all grateful for the message!
It’s been such a blessing for Jan, Katie and I to have this time together to watch church together, pray, cook together, walk together outside, and just be a family. We have hope that a cure will be found and this Virus gets stopped in its tracks.
Love you, Lady,
Hi Barb! Thanks so much for stopping by! It is an amazing time to be alive, and there are so many blessings coming out of this crisis. I love the thought of your little family enjoying spending more time together. It’s a game changer. Your encouragement and positive spirit is contagious. :)