Bible Reading Plan, Heaven/Reward, Uncategorized

Bite of Bread Bible Reading Plan: God’s Reward (Sept. 8-14)

What comes to your mind when you think of reward? Money, trophies, a great place to live, safety, prestige? All of those things are lovely except trophies have to be dusted, money disappears quickly, a great place to live needs upkeep, safety…well, that’s nice but lacks adventure, and with prestige comes responsibility. Yet, we all love rewards. It’s nice to have …

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obedience, purpose, Uncategorized

Are You Restless? It Could be God trying to tell You something.

  Has anybody asked you lately, “How are you doing with God? Does your spirit feel at peace or are you restless? Does something fight within, but you can’t put your finger on it to settle the tremors? Usually when I feel this way, God is trying to tell me something. I experienced this a few years ago when I was working …

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God's kindness, Word Study

Do You Have a Hard Time Believing God Loves You?: Psalm 63:3/ Chesed

  Love. It’s a word that stirs up different images and feelings for each of us. A word defined by culture. I think our grandparents or great-grandparents would define it differently than we. For me, the word “love” evokes a warm feeling in my heart. Security, acceptance, provision, and desire. To be loved is to be desired. Is this what …

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Bible Reading Plan, Uncategorized

Bite of Bread Bible Reading Plan (September 1-7) Psalm 63

    Have you ever caught yourself saying, “I love that Bible story…it’s my favorite!” But the minute the words tumbled out of your excited mouth you thought of ten others Bible stories that were your favorites? Has anybody ever asked you what your favorite verse is, your “life verse,” but you couldn’t choose only one because there are so many …

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grace, I need your grace., prayer, Uncategorized

Everyday Grace: Why I climbed a mountain through a waterfall to get to the otherside.

    It wasn’t pretty. Well, the scenery was amazing, but my form was less than graceful as I clung my way up the mountain. I didn’t care what I looked like. I simply didn’t want to fall off the mountain tumbling to my death. Therefore, when we reached the part of the 8 hour hike up the mountain (4 up and …

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