
Learning the Shema, Part 3: How to love God with all your Soul

This morning many Jewish families all over the world recited these verses around the breakfast table before they started their day. This Deuteronomy scripture is the beginning of the Shema, the three sections of the Torah (Deuteronomy 6:4-9; 11: 13-21; Numbers 15:37-41) that God gave to the Israelites so they would not forget His law. They have been reciting it for thousands …

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Bite of Bread

#BiteofBread: For the Stressed and Worried

I think it’s a common phenomenon, this thing called worry and stress. But I don’t like it. I don’t like it when my friends suffer with it, and I really struggle when I find myself stressed and worried. I’m the one preaching about trusting God! But God always allows those who teach about His provision and faithfulness to attend “refresher …

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Bite of Bread, Uncategorized

Bite of Bread: Romans 12:14-21 and a Challenge!

    Have you enjoyed reading Romans 12 bite by bite? There’s just something about chewing on one or two verses at a time, though there are days when I have to read the verses around them too. I’m super excited about this week’s Bite of Bread. I have no doubt you’ll discover nourishment for your soul. Some of the …

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