If you find yourself in a dark place, an empty place, seek Jesus because He is the Logos, the Word that created and filled the world, and the light that broke through the darkness. He is the One who can fill your empty and light the darkness around you. The apostle John wrote, “In the beginning was the Word (Logos), …

The Birth of The Word: Logos in Flesh #WordWednesday
Our “Bite” Tuesday inspired a little digging into my archives. I think this post was first posted in 2013. Truth like this never gets old to me. Somehow the Bible breathes new life everyday I study it. Have you experienced this? If you watched the Daily Broadcast you heard this too, but sometimes it’s good to see it in print. …

Celebrating the Divinity and Humanity of Jesus this Christmas and a Book Giveaway
Don’t miss the book giveaway at the end of the post!The Jesus I Never Knew Jesus has many names. Immanuel, God with us. Savior, The Good Shepherd, King of Kings. . . just to name a few. But John calls Him The Word. I’ve never tried to wrap my brain around this name. The other names, Savior, Shepherd, King of Kings, I can …