You have taught us that in returning and rest we shall be saved, in quietness and confidence we shall be strengthened: By Your Spirit lift us to Your presence, where we may be still and know that You are God. ~ from The Prayer for Quiet Confidence This week we continue studying God to better know Him, so that …
Attributes of God (Part 1) #BiteofBread
Who is God? Why do we believe in Him? Why is He my God, your God? Why would we trust this God? We only trust the ones we know well. So, though it takes a lifetime of walking with God to really know Him, just like it takes years to cultivate relationships with friends and significant others, you got to …
Bite of Bread: Prophecies and Realities
I hope this week, despite the busyness of this time of year, we can find time every morning to sit in silence. Despite our late nights, let’s set our alarm clocks an hour early. Anybody throwing tomatoes at me yet? This is what I know. This is what I’ve learned through all my years as a Christian and especially my …
Bite of Bread: Prophecies of Jesus
I think I was nine when I was chosen to play the lead role in the Christmas play at church. For years I had dreamed of being Mary. And it finally happened. One amazing Christmas I got to play the role of the mother of Jesus. I even got to hold a real baby who cried the whole time. …
Bite of Bread: Filled With Joy
Joy. I think of “happy” as fleeting and surfacey but I think of “joy” as the deeper, more grown-up version of happy. Joy doesn’t depend on circumstances–not the joy God gives, because joy from God is birthed from His grace. [bctt tweet=”Joy from God is birthed from His grace. ” username=”wordsbyandylee”] This is how Rick Warren defines joy: Joy …