woman sitting on a mountain, sunrisefaith

How to Handle Rejection

  How young were you the first time you experienced rejection? Personally, I know rejection entered my life at a very young age, probably in kindergarten. But my first vivid memory of this painful human experience happened in middle school. Jason Smith asked me to “go” with him, and I told him I had to think about it. So, his …

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The Struggle for Joy

  If  you’re in the trenches trying to find joy in your life, you are not alone. A few months ago, I wrote about this struggle in an article entitled, “If I’m a Christian, Why Am I Not Happy?” Here’s a piece of that post. It’s a reason why we face this giant: “. . . .  when the struggle …

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woman, hat, sunglasses, honeymoonfaith

Rest for a Deeper Faith Walk and More Productive Life

I think of “rest” when I think of summer. It’s the season of vacations, hammocks, and slowing down. But summer was only like that when I was seven.  The lazy hazy days of summer no longer exist unless I intentionally make them days of rest.  Life is like that; isn’t it? We have to be intentional about everything that’s important to …

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Bite of Bread

How to Defeat Depression and Restlessness

Depression and Restlessness Engulfed Me One day when I was up to my eyeballs in diapers and bottles, sippy-cups and Cheerios, I sat on a beach with my best friend. It was a beautiful day. Life appeared perfect, but the tears would not stop. Life was a struggle for me. Restlessness refused to leave me alone, and depression sucked the …

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