Lights can make the darkest night beautiful. They can be one color or many, twinkle or stare down the dark. They wrap around trees and homes and bring cheer to our hearts even those grieving. Some Christmas light displays don’t represent a holy night, but there’s something special that shining lights do. It’s more than how they turn a home …
The Number One Way to Make Christmas More Meaningful
We want the holidays to be meaningful. We don’t want to forget why we celebrate in the first place, but the hectic pace of the season can make it difficult to focus. Do you find yourself checking off the boxes of a to-do list this time of year? Big boxes, like: I love checking those big things off. Even …
When Your Calling Doesn’t Seem Valuable
Do you know what your calling is? Do you have dreams to do amazing things for God? A lot of us do. We’ve felt a nudge; we’ve heard a voice deep inside or seen a vision and believed God had invited us onto his team. But the “calling” isn’t unfolding like we’d hoped or planned. Mine doesn’t look anything like I …
How to Forgive and Forget
It’s Hard to Forgive; It’s harder to Forget Forgiveness is almost impossible sometimes. We know we should. We want to, but the memories keep the pain alive. Unforgiveness is dangerous. It can cause sickness and stress and makes us bitter, angry people. It is the root of the problems in many friendships, marriages, and working relationships. On our own we can’t …
Live Beyond the Comparison Trap
Comparison Threatens Our Destinies There’s a faint call deep within. It echoes through my mind–a siren song haunting. “Listen to me,” whispers the voice. I strain to hear more, but all I feel is a pain in my heart. Is it His sadness? Does it hurt God when I do this comparison thing? Does comparison make me want to be …