
Jesus: The Ultimate Prince of Peace

Who doesn’t need a Prince of Peace? When I think of the title, “Prince,” I think of Disney movies, but no man can can live up to the role of this prince but Jesus. Only the Redeemer, Good Shepherd, Son of God and Son of Man, the One called Christ can grant me peace with God and peace when my anxiety levels rise, and my fear keeps me awake at night. We’ve studied many names for Jesus, but don’t you love this one? This name, Prince of Peace, was first penned by the prophet Isaiah:

The people walking in
have seen a great light;
on those living in the land of the
shadow of death
a light has dawned….
For unto us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government will be on His
And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty
Everlasting Father, Prince
of Peace. . .

Isaiah 9:2,6
finding peace

Deep Peace

A few years ago I wrote about this scripture in a post called “Dive in All the Way.” This is what I wrote:

“As I read this scripture this morning, it spoke to me in deep places that are hot and thirsty–dry for lack of deep water. I confess sometimes merely playing in the wading pool when spending time with God. But this morning, He called me into the deep. Head under the water. Feet no longer touching.
I soaked in these truths from Isaiah 9:

  • The light of Jesus is still here with us today streaming through the shadows, dismantling their power. Shadows have no body, no substance.
  • Light can overcome the darkness but darkness cannot overcome the light unless the source is not present. I find myself fighting with shadows some days. Today I’ve been reminded of the Source that dispels their façade.
  • He rules. His rule is the only one with pure wisdom and justice. His rule brings peace. Am I allowing Him to govern my life, or am I trying to control? That tiny baby born into the dark night is the same King I desire today. I don’t want to fight these waters of truth.”

Is the prince of peace ruling in your life?

How many of us desperately want peace, but we also want control? Don’t run from this question. I can’t run from this question! I have to ask myself who is on the throne of my life. It’s actually a good question to ask often. If you find yourself unable to sleep, maybe you need the Prince of Peace to take over.

Here’s some ways to let Jesus take over:

  • Bow in prayer. Get on those knees and repent of not trusting Him.
  • Ask Jesus to show you what you need to give to Him. Write it down.
  • Play worship music and dance to Him.
  • Spend an entire month reading about the Prince of Peace.

Prince of Peace

Bible Reading Plan for july on Peace

Jesus is not tangible right now. We can’t touch His arm or look into His eyes like the disciples could, but we do have a tangible source–His Word. Let the truth of His peace wash over you every day. Take your time. Dive into the deep. Read the daily verse on the list and keep reading. Read the whole chapter. This is just a stepping stone for each day. Grab the free reading plan.

This reading plan covers the plethora of God’s peace through Jesus. Just as He is our Redeemer for our every day as well as our eternity, He is our peace with God and gives us peace in this stormy world. He is the only non-ending, always consistent, supernatural peace.

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.”

Romans 5:1-2

Desperate times

Somebody say, “Glory!” The Prince of Peace has done it! He has made peace with God for us, yet we have our part to play. That part is faith. It is trust. We cannot access the peace through His grace without faith. Oh somebody say hallelujah! I’ve asked the Lord to put a fire in my belly, a sorrow in my soul for my neighbors who do not stand in this grace! He’s stoking the fire as I write. Let us pray He will stir this in all of us! The times are desperate. I’ve never been one to proclaim Jesus’s return in our lifetime, but He’s changing my heart. I feel the desperation of the world and the shaking of all we know. We need the Prince of Peace to rule in our hearts and our world.


Praying for peace

Grab my hands, let’s pray:

“Prince of Peace, we bless you! We thank you for what you did on Calvary. You’ve made it possible to have peace with God, and we’re indebted to your grace. Lord, we’re so thankful for our eternal peace, but you know how much we need your peace in our daily lives. We need you to settle our anxious thoughts. Help us give you control of our problems and worries. Rule in our hearts and help us trust your goodness, wisdom, grace, redemptive work, and everlasting kindness. May your peace fall on every eye reading this prayer. May it be tangible and thick. You are our Prince of Peace. Thank you. Amen and Amen.”

See you on fridays!

Come on over to my house through Instagram Live! I’m there @wordsbyandylee at 9:00 AM ET on Fridays. But if you’re not an Instagram gal, just subscribe to my YouTube channel where I post the same teaching ( depending on Holy Spirit). Those posts are usually uploaded on Fridays also. If you do join me on Instagram or YT, please join the conversations and leave a comment on these platforms letting me know you found me through the website. I’m praying for you! I’m praying you experience the Prince of Peace this week and for all eternity.



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