Dear Marys,
I have invited some of my writing buddies to be guest bloggers once in awhile. I know you will enjoy this post from S. Kim Henson, a Word Weaver friend. Thanks Kim!
(The different colored red boxes are links to her website and Facebook author page…hope you’ll visit them!)
Guest Post by S. Kim Henson
Except for the size, I bought our daughter two identical pea coats last year while my husband and I shopped for Christmas.
Choosing the color was easy since I knew she liked gray. However, we couldn’t decide between small and medium. I tried on both sizes several times. Her dad finally said, “Just buy one, and she can exchange it if it doesn’t fit.”
That decision still makes me smile. Extravagant perhaps, but we would’ve chosen the wrong size. Because I bought both, I got the pleasure of watching her enjoy her gift on Christmas day.
The thrill I felt while watching my daughter’s joy when she received the perfect gift brings to mind how I react to gifts I’m given. I’m not always as content with my gifts. Oh, not the ones from family and friends. I love presents. I’ll change my outfit to match a pair of shoes I just received, and write a thank you note when a friend treats me to lunch.
It’s my God-given talents that leave me questioning. I confess I’m not always so sure I want the ones I have or feel like they “fit.”
Instead of gratitude for the gift of writing, I catch myself wishing I could sing or paint. I overlook how easy it is for me to coordinate lunch dates and a girl’s night out with friends, and in the place of appreciation for being organized, I complain because my gift isn’t cooking.
Sounds like it’s time for a gratitude adjustment.
Just like I loved seeing our daughter excited and using the gift we gave her, I want God to witness my excitement and watch me using the talents He’s given me.
What about you? Are you excited about your gifts? Do you use them or hide them away because you aren’t sure they “fit?”
God’s gifts always fit. He doesn’t have to guess which one will be best or buy two.
He knows.
Much grace,
Kim Henson
And he who had received the five talents came forward, bringing five talents more, saying, ‘Master, you delivered to me five talents; here I have made five talents more.’ His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you overmuch. Enter into the joy of your master.’ From The Parable of the Talents, Matthew 25:20-21 ESV