Thankfulness is foundational to our faith and paramount during those difficult, lonely seasons. If the holidays are hard for you, grab the reading plan to lift your heart and stir your hope. thankfulness does that.

Bible. Faith. Life.
Bible. Faith. Life.
Thankfulness is foundational to our faith and paramount during those difficult, lonely seasons. If the holidays are hard for you, grab the reading plan to lift your heart and stir your hope. thankfulness does that.
It must be going around the e-mail circuit. I haven’t seen it, but maybe you have. As a friend and I closed our phone conversation the other day, she said, “Oh…oh…oh…let me see. How do I phrase it…wait a minute. I have to ask you something. Something somebody asked me the other day.” She paused for a thoughtful moment and then shot …
“I want to be a cherub, all eye looking back. To be like the cherubim, with ‘eyes all over their bodies, including their hands, their backs, and their wings’ (Ezekiel 10:12). To be Moses, ‘who kept right on going because he kept his eyes on the one who is invisble’ (Hebrews 11:27). That is what makes us persevere through life; …