Christmas, decorations, Gabriel, Jesus, Mary


Switching gears. Turning a corner. Time to put the fall leaves and pilgrims back into the closet and pull out all the Christmas stuff. Amazing isn’t it? We celebrate Thanksgiving, and before the turkey left-overs are finished, we are moving on the the next celebration. Christmas. It’s been like this every year of my life. Nothing has changed. The dates …

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God's faithfulness, Jesus, Mary of Nazareth, Pentecost, the Holy Spirit

Pentecost in November?

….Leave the cross with me (yesterday’s post) and come to the day of Pentecost. (I know, we haven’t celebrated Christmas yet…work with me.) Jesus appeared to His apostles after His death, and before He ascended into heaven, He instructed them not to leave Jerusalem. So the group of followers returned to Jerusalem where they met in an upper room. Luke records …

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godd and bad memories, heaven, Jesus, love Dr. Seuss

Wacky Wednesday Rewrite (2010 Post)

When my kids were small, we loved to read Dr. Seuss before they went to bed. One of our favorite Seuss books was Wacky Wednesday. Anybody remember that one? It was about a kid who woke up one Wednesday morning to find everything weird and well…wacky! There were socks on his wall, shoes upside down in the air, baby strollers …

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comfort, fellowship, Jesus, peace, pumpkin pie and coolwhip, satisfaction, Thanksgiving dinner


My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you. (Psalm 63:5) What is the most satisfying meal you can remember? What meal evokes the best memories? I think Thanksgiving would have to be at the top of my list. I’m probably the most satisfied after eating all those rich and …

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